¡Atención! Todas las solicitudes realizadas a través de la webshop de LABOGEN se gestionan directamente con el departamento de genética en Alemania. Para criadores/propietarios de España y Portugal ofrecemos otra opción: tramitar directamente su alta como cliente en Laboklin España. Para ello deben remitir un email a contacto@laboklin.com con los siguientes datos:
Nombre y apellido
Dirección completa (con código postal)
Teléfono de contacto
Email de contacto
Para solicitudes desde la Latinoamerica, es necesario realizarlas directamente desde la webshop.
Atención: ¿necesita material de envío?
Le proporcionamos de forma gratuita el material para la toma de muestra si no lo hace a través del veterinario. El kit contiene dos hisopos para la toma de muestra y una bolsa protectora. Desea añadir el kit a su pedido?
For owners and breeders of dogs and cats:
Due to the current situation we can no longer send sample material for buccal swab. If the sampling will not be performed by your vet or clinic, you can use cotton swabs/Q-tips as sample material. The swabs are taken as indicated on the instructions. Attention: Please remove the unused side of the cotton swab!
It would be best to pack the cotton swabs in a small plastic bag and then in a labelled envelope. If there is no plastic bag available, it is sufficient to pack the cotton swab in a labelled envelope. Please make sure that the cotton swabs have dried before packing.
For owners and breeders of horses:
If the sampling will not be performed by your vet or clinic, you can send 10 - 20 mane or tail hairs in a fresh zipper or freezer bag. When pulling the hairs, please make sure to get the hair roots, as those are important for the testing procedure. If you send in a sample of a foal, it is recommended to use tail hairs, since the mane hairs could be contaminated with DNA from the mother's mare in rare cases.