
The Agouti gene determines whether the horse develops a black or a brown coat.lisää
A black or brown/bay coat colour can only arise if a horse is either a non-carrier (E/E) or a carrier (E/e) for the red coat colour. The Agouti gene determines whether the horse develops a black or a brown coat. A horse homozygous for the recessive allele of the Agouti gene (a/a) is black. In a carrier or non-carrier horse (A/a or A/A), the black pigment appears only in certain areas like mane or tail and the horse is brown/bay. The colour inheritance for specific pairings follows the same rules as described for the red factor. For breeding purposes, the Agouti gene is mainly important as a “hidden” feature in red coloured horses.
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Test duration
ca. 1 week after arrival of the sample in the lab
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