Dominant white (GQ Santana dominant white W10)*

Characteristic and trait of inheritance

In 2000, a Quarter Horse named GQ Santana was born with a KIT gene white mutation (called W10) and became a prominent stallion in both AQHA and APHA. Horses with the W10 mutation have pink skin where the hair is white and the eyes have normal pigmentation and are rarely blue.
VGL offers a test for the W10 mutation to owners who want to breed horses for this white pattern or to determine the genetic status of horses that descend from GQ Santana, but have minimal white spotting. W10 is inherited as a dominant trait; horses that carry W10 will display some degree of white patterning.
Homozygous W10/W10 horses may not be viable. This result may only be found in aborted fetuses produced in matings between two W10 carriers.


All breed

Test duration

3-4 weeks after arrival of the sample in the lab


The DNA test is performed out of EDTA blood or or 20-30 hair roots from mane or tail. Test kits can be ordered free of charge. (order-form). If hair is sent in, possibly the genetic material is not sufficient to run the test. In this case it would be best to send in an EDTA blood sample.

Testing procedure

Please send in your sample together with the lab order genetic. Results will be transmitted optionally via post, fax or email. After completion of the test you will receive a separate invoice. Payment can be made via credit card or bank transfer.
Breeding club discounts apply if a copy of the membership card is sent together with the respective samples. Due to administrative reasons the invoiced price can not be altered subsequently.


Please contact our molecular biology team for further questions.

Steubenstraße 4
D-97688 Bad Kissingen

Telefon: +49 (0)971 72020
Fax: +49 (0)971 68546


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*) Partnerlaboratory
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