Neuronal ceroid lipifuscinosis (NCL)

NCL is a neurodegenerative disease: the clinical course includes increasing levels of agitation... more
NCL is a neurodegenerative disease, caused by lysosomal storage dysfunction. The clinical course includes increasing levels of agitation and possible outbursts of aggression, hallucinations, hyperactivity and epileptic fits. Most animals lose their ability to coordinate everyday muscular activities. As the extent of neurodegeneration increases, all affected dogs develop psychological abnormalities and ataxia.
американский бульдог, бордер-колли, чихуахуа, китайская хохлатая собака, английский сеттер, золотистый ретривер (голден-ретривер), шотландский сеттер (гордон-сеттер), кане-корсо, Салюки, тибетский терьер
Тип наследования
autosomal recessive
Длительность теста
3-5 days after arrival of the sample in the lab (Tibetan Terrier)
3-5 days after arrival of the sample in the lap, in case of sequencing 1-2 weeks (American Bulldog, Border Collie, English Setter, Golden Retriever, Gordon Setter);
1-2 weeks (Chinese Crested Dog, Chihuahua, Dachshund, Italian Cane Corso, Saluki)
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