Breed determination


Breed determination is based on a probability calculation where the DNA profile of a dog or cat is matched against reference populations within our database. As such, association to a specific breed is only possible if the breed in question is listed in our database:

Dog                   Cat

Microsatellites serve as molecular markers to clarify breed affiliation on a genetic basis. Through the analysis of multiple microsatellites, a unique pattern eventually emerges. The so-called DNA profile, often referred to as a "genetic fingerprint", forms the cornerstone of this matching process.

Genetic components of breeds that are not listed in the database cannot be identified, which can result in decreased assignment probabilities. The outcome of the breed calculation always reflects the probability of the subject animal's alignment with breeds present in the data pool. For each breed, the inclusion or exclusion of the animal being tested is assessed.

For purebred animals, the likelihood of a match based on the DNA profile exceeds 80%. Assignment probabilities between 40% and 60% are anticipated for animals where one parent is purebred. Assignment probabilities below 30% are not definitive, suggesting that the animal is neither a purebred of the breeds catalogued in the database nor a crossbreed with one parent belonging to any of the reference populations.


Dog and cat

Test duration

2- 3 weeks after arrival of the sample in the lab (dog)  /  3- 4 weeks after arrival of the sample in the lab (cat)

Possibilities and limitations of genetic breed assignment

Genetic studies for breed assignment are only possible with a high level of test confidence when working with an up-to-date data pool corresponding to the geographic population from which the animal in question comes.

The absence of a breed crossed into the animal in question in the data pool does not lead to misclassification but only to low assignment probabilities.
Assignment probabilities <30% are not meaningful, because a sufficiently high test certainty for the calculated result cannot be guaranteed.

If the alleged parents are known, a parentage check is the method of choice to confirm or exclude paternity.

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