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Welcome to our online shop! It offers you many benefits: odering online allows you to check the processing status of your order anytime, to view results whenever you wish and to order further genetic tests without having to take a sample again.

Get all the benefits and register now, because it's that easy:

Online order

Select species and breed
Tell us the species (dog, cat or horse) and the breed you would like us to test.
Select tests
Select the corresponding tests and request any shipping materials you need free of charge.
Animal data
Tell us details on your animal (name, studbook number, microchip number etc.).
Ordering and payment
Pay conveniently online with the payment method of your choice.
Printing of the submission form
The submission form for your sample will be sent to you by e-mail or by post if you requested a test kit.
Let your local vet take a suitable sample or do it yourself with the aid of our free test kit. For genetic testing in dogs and cats we recommend 0.5 - 1 ml EDTA blood or alternatively two buccal swabs. In horses, approx. 10 - 20 mane or tail hairs are an alternative to blood samples. Please note that the hairs with roots need to be sent to us freshly plucked.
Sample shipment
Send us the sample together with the submission form e.g. in an air cushion envelope (without cooling) by mail.
As soon as the result has been determined, you will receive it immediately by email and - if desired - shortly afterwards by post. Of course you can also view the result in your account at any time.
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