Genetic Blood groups in cats

 Genetic Blood groups

The AB system is the major blood group system in domestic cats. The common blood types are A and B. Cats with bloodtype B have anti-A antibodies at a high titer and cats with blood type A have anti-B antibodies at a low titer. Cats with the rare AB blood type do not have anti-A or anti-B antibodies. These natural antibodies can leed to bloodgroup incompatibility that can be lethal. First symptoms are dyspnea, vomiting and agitation. Neonatal isoerythrolysis occurs when a female cat with blood type B is bred to an Atype male cat and the A-type kitten absorb the anti-A antibodies from the breast milk. The hemolytic disease that ensues can be lethal.

 The mutation and inheritance

The genetic determination of the blood group in cats enables the genetic differentiation of the serologically determined blood group before breeding. Blood typ A is dominat to b. With the gene test it´s possible to identify the recessive b allel which is associated with the B serotyp. Cats with two copies of the b allel have the Type B bloodgroup. Cats with blood group A can carry the genetic information either for AA or Ab. To clarify the genetic basis of cats with bloodgroup type A or AB the gene test is recommended.


The test is performed out of EDTA whole blood (0.5 ml) or cotton swabs. The cotton swabs are available upon request.

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